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The paperback writers


The first unofficial album, "Mirror", is all about looking into yourself and finding out who you really are. It's a story about being stuck in a world full of anxiety, and you are trying to get out of it. The alternate world in the story is first mentioned during the song "Stranger", which is all about someone (bad thoughts) chasing you and trying to take you to their sad world, while at the same time, running away from someone else (happiness). The world represents everyday struggles, which is hinted in the song "Colours" and "Mirror". Many of the lyrics are based on our bandmates past experiences, and we hope our music can help anyone who is struggling at the moment.

  • PBW SoundCloud
  • PBW YouTube

Designed by Max McKenzie and Toby Freeman. Initial photograph by Stephen McKenzie.


Our Newest and First EP is now out on YouTube and SoundCloud. It consists of the 4 songs, "Darkness", "Puzzle Maker", "Drenched In The Rain" and "Sick Of This". "Sick Of This" was made completely online due to COVID-19 and no direct human interaction was involved. "Melbourne Rose", which is the name of the EP, unknowingly takes place in the city of Melbourne, the hometown of The Paperback Writers, and Western California. It serves as a short sequel to our debut album, "Mirror", describing the aftermath of the traumatic events involved in the album, and recovering from them. The EP is left on a bit of a cliff-hanger, which eventually leads to the next chapter in the story...

  • PBW SoundCloud
  • PBW YouTube

Designed by Max McKenzie and Toby Freeman. Photographer is anonymous.


Our brand new single album, titled "Buried In Gold", consists of two singles, an A side and a B side. The A side, called "Train Ride", was written several weeks after "Buried In Gold", however, both were recorded in the studio at around the same time. The song "Buried In Gold", from a vague perspective, is all about envying those who are rich and famous, yet ridiculing them to hide how you really feel. It's about wanting to be successful, but worrying that if or when this happens, it could lead to worse problems. Of course, success is a priority, but too much of it can be damaging. Train Ride, on the other hand, is all about life and its long, long journey that lies ahead.

  • PBW SoundCloud
  • PBW YouTube

Designed by Max McKenzie and Thomas Lingard. Photographer is anonymous.

Photo credit goes to Stephen McKenzie.

Photo credit goes to Stephen McKenzie.

Photo credit goes to Stephen McKenzie.




Walking On Train Tracks


In My Mind



The Demand For Time





Wish I'd Known


Space Dream

Shut Up (I'm Sleeping)

Nothing's Gonna Keep Us Down

What Do You Know


Puzzle Maker


Drenched In The Rain

Sick Of This



Buried In Gold


(The videos are sorted by alphabetical order left right and down, not release date.)

Buried In Gold (Live Audio)

Link to original video (for better quality, features, accessibility, etc.):

Nothing's Gonna Keep Us Down

Link to original video (for better quality, features, accessibility, etc.):


EP is complete! Finally! With four songs! Out now on YouTube and SoundCloud!

Our drummer, Sam, and has left the band due to other interests, and has been replaced by Elliot McCluskey.

Mirror (the album) is complete and can be found on YouTube and SoundCloud!


Two songs have been recorded (Buried In Gold and another mystery song) with the help of Jets Studios, and are now being produced and mixed!


The Paperback Writers will be doing an online livestream performance at Jets Studio! (Note: This event has now been cancelled.)


As of the 4th of August, 2021 at 8:32 PM, we are currently at 98 subscribers on YouTube and we'd really appreciate if you could take the very brief time to subscribe! It's free, and we're so close to 100! Thank you! :)



The Paperback Writers are hoping to expand their social presence by considering joining iTunes, Spotify, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok! Stay tuned for more information!

More content coming soon!

The music video for our new song, "Train Ride", is out now on the Nillumbik Shire Council's YuTube channel!


This news section is yet to be updated further.


(This news section is frequently subject to change, and it may not always be fully accurate to the band's current state until edited. It will continue to be updated.)

Space Dream music video in progress! Special thanks to our talented friend Wolfgang90001!

The Paperback Writers have successfully performed 6 songs at both the Come Together Festival and Soundbite in Hurstbridge! We had lots of fun! For those who attended, thank you!

Hayden has left the band. The Paperback Writers are back to 4 members.

The band is being credited as helpers of an upcoming film that is intended to be shot this winter!

The music video to our mystery track has been filmed and is now currently being produced!

Over the past few days (as of the 4th of August, 2021, at 8:23 PM), several minor edits have been made to PBW-related material across multiple social and musical/media platforms, including this website.

We hope to make more music and perform at more live shows! We always have lots of fun!

Our Discord server has been removed due to inactivity.

We've announced the name of the A Side of our brand new single! It is called "Train Ride"!

The music video for "Train Ride" is to be released onto our own YouTube channel in a few weeks time. Stay tuned!

This news section is yet to be updated further.



Come Together Festival - Saturday, March 14th, 2020 @ Edendale Farm, Eltham, VIC ✔️

Come Together Festival - Saturday, March 13th, 2021 @ Edendale Farm, Eltham, VIC ✔️

Soundbite Hurstbridge Festival - Saturday, March 20th, 2021 @ Anzac Memorial Park, Hurstbridge, VIC ✔️

Nillumbeats FReeZA Show - Sunday, May 30th, 2021 @ Edendale Farm, Eltham, VIC ❌

Jets Studio Live YT Broadcast - Tuesday, June 15th, 2021 @ Jets Studio, Bundoora, VIC ❌

Nillumbik Grooves Music Video - Saturday, June 26th, 2021 @ Civic Drive, Greensborough, VIC ✔️

More minor performances have been (and possibly will be) done before, but the shows/events listed are only the professional/more major ones that involve money, promotion, advertisements, and more. Also, an extra note, a main reason we missed a couple of the show offers is due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which essentially postponed these events to the point where they were cancelled and we became unable to attend. We still choose to write the dates of these offers down in our list to acknowledge them and show that we were given great opportunities by great people, so they are marked down on our band calendar. Thank you for understanding.

Note: This website is a work in progress and will frequently undergo maintenance, as it is subject to change. Please excuse any general errors regarding literature throughout this entire page. That involves words, sentence structure, spelling, grammar, details, descriptions, overall writing, style, english, punctuation, flow between past and present tense, capitalised/lowercase letters (appropriate usage), third to first person and reversed, et cetera. Please be aware of any errors and/or mistakes and imperfections in the writing above and below you, such as overall flaws with the text layout, arrangements and proportions (these are barely noticeable, however, it is almost definite that some things aren't 100% centred, aligned or matched up perfectly, such as images, paragraphs, headings, subheadings, titles, lists, etc.). This website isn't fully complete yet and is still in its earlier stages, despite how it may seem. It may take a while for it to be finished. All photo credit goes to Stephen McKenzie, except for album cover designs, and a few images that go to either unknown or anonymous persons/individuals. Far more information would be available on previous site versions which have been either updated or removed and are likely no longer accessible publicly. Please note that every so often this site will undergo editing and will be temporarily deactivated/disabled for short period of time, usually before, after or sometimes during special band events/occasions which are to be recognised here to keep everything new up-to-date. Thank you for understanding. Now, of course, there is much more information and many more specific details about the the band, its history, its members, its songs, its videos, its albums, its business and transactions, criticism, and more that has not (yet) been said, (also a lot more, many pages worth, each containing items mainly consisting of a series things such as images, informative paragraphs/guides that either describe the images themselves or the backstories behind them, general band info and stories, and much, much more) as most or all of which have been deemed unnecessary here, and shall remain stored elsewhere. If the runners if this website do feel the need to place this information onto the website, they will have easy access to it. The band has agreed that what has been provided to you (text, visuals, etc.) should be plenty of information. If you have any questions and you wish to know more info, please contact us at Please do not ask or say anything inappropriate, to protect the comfort and privacy of the band members. More can/is yet to be said about this. Also, not all of this information will always be 100% accurate or up-to-date, as has been previously mentioned multiple times. Thank you for understanding.

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